A call is when we gather together in the presence of God for the sake of our nation and our country in a sacred assembly as in Joel 2 (“call a sacred assembly”) and in Antioch Acts 13. This is not a conference. We are not gathering around famous speakers, it is not a teaching seminar. There is no program except to minister to the Lord and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. We are going to adore Him until He speaks to us or releases us.
We are calling all those who love God and who desire to see new Slovakia. If this resonates with you then come and join us as we seek to align our hearts with His heart, our minds with His mind, and our vision with His vision in His presence. We begin the gathering by honouring Lord Jesus Christ through worship and adoration, opening our hearts to Him, and waiting on Him to hear what is on His heart for Slovakia at this time. We will be attentive to His leading and follow His guidance as He directs our time together. The gatherings are facilitated by spiritual mothers, fathers and leaders from across the nation who will steward the direction of the gathering by being attentive to the Holy Spirit’s leading.
Our first gathering was on May 5th, 2018 in Bratislava where people gathered together from the whole nation, from Bratislava till Košice. We stood together before our Lord and pour out our hearts without limiting Him by our program. He gave us a word from Malachi 4. chapter. He said: I want to reconcile young and old generation because when it happens then blessing will come and curse will be removed. A miracle happened in front of our eyes. We saw the heart of old generation moved towards the young generation. And the heart of young generation moved toward the old generation.
Next call was on October 30th, 2018 in Martin. This day we commemorated 100th anniversary of Slovak nation Declaration of October 30th, 1918. On call were gathered people from all around Slovakia and we again submitted our nation to our God. God started to speak about relationship between fathers and daughters. It was amazing. Fathers asked for forgiveness their daughters for not showing their kindness, care, protection and love that our Heavenly Father gave to the fathers for their children, especially for the daughters. Daughters were so touched that daughters as mothers asked for forgiveness their children and the daughters as wives asked for forgiveness their husbands. We understood that God desires to heal Slovak family and we are grateful that healing flew in relationships between parents and children and between wives and husbands.
Then God said: Go to Banská Bystrica as this is next step – to reconcile the relationship among siblings. In Banská Bystrica on May 8th, 2019 it was one of the most powerful experiences when people gathered together and started to embrace one another and relationships between sisters and brothers and among siblings could be healed.
Nitra was the next place God showed us. In the call on February 22nd, 2020 our eyes opened and we understood that we had lived as slaves and orphans. We returned to our Heavenly Father by our whole hearts, as His daughters and sons. We did not want to live our “religious” lives no more, however to live with Him in fullness and His blessing. From Nitra we spoke and proclaimed His life and freedom to other towns and cities of our beautiful country. Our hearts could receive the truth about God being our Heavenly Father and we are no more slaves but His beloved sons and daughters.
God is our Salvation, our Protection, our Life, our Provider. It is not only about us, individuals, however it is also about our whole nation as an inheritance of Lord Jesus Christ. That´s why Lord Jesus sent his disciples and told them: Go and make disciples of all nations. God is inviting us to transformation so that our nation would be a model for other nations. So that other nations look at us and ask: How did you do this? How did you get this breakthrough? God wants to pour out His life out of Slovakia. We can object being asmall nation without any significant influence. Israel was the one of the smallest nations in comparison to huge civilizations of that era and in spite of that God said: I want this small nation, because I will reveal my glory on them and make them a model nation. God always comes to small and weak and says: Do you think, you are nobody? But I love you. I will reveal my love, my power and my glory on you. Let´s believe God´s word and His promises so we can see a new Slovakia.
You can view pictures from the gatherings on our FB page >>